Monday, April 20, 2009

Competition Watching

For all you interested in watching the competition...
Good news and bad news

- I am unsure of the details
- I am just going by what they tell me
- The websites don't really seem to reflect anything about it at all
- The live TV broadcast sounds like it is just in Sweden
- Of course the time is bad.

- They are promising a live broadcast over the internet open to all
- They have installed webcams in all the desktops
- They have everything in place here
- It sounds like it should be fairly interesting

So, hopefully something will be set up. Here is how I envision it working:
- If you want to watch it, first kudos to you. You really are a trooper.
- There will be commentators talking about the competition. They will probably introduce what is going on, and maybe discuss the problems. After teams are starting to submit answers, they will discuss the answers. Perhaps mention what teams are doing well. Also, there will likely be many incorrect solutions, and they might comment on why the solutions are incorrect.
- As I mentioned, they have webcams so they can watch us while we work. They also have camera people walking around the room. Additionally, they are able to view our computer screens, so they can show you the screen.
- Probably towards the start most of the submissions will be by teams solving problems quite quickly
- Around half an hour or so is likely when more of the teams will be running their first submission
- The last hour or two will likely be focused around teams towards the top, as they are trying to figure out who wins

So hopefully it will be worth your while. As mentioned, I am unable to find a like right now. However, there are a couple of hopeful possibilities:
- ICPC website
- Specifically, their photo & video coverage
- Another link which I stumbled upon which has potential

If any of you find something (probably it will be more likely as the time approaches), please comment on this post to share. Also, feel free to use this post as a 'chat' during the competition, if multiple people are watching it. Finally, if I learn any more tonight, I will share it by commenting here.


  1. I'm really planning on staying up and watching it!!!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Here's the link to watch:

  4. so there were a lot of troubles with the feed... and the female announcer was very annoying... sometimes i think they hire one really smart person and one really dumb person just to help people understand things. Anyways, they had a quick overview of the welcoming ceremony and guess who one of the 3 teams they showed video footage of announcing their name?? You guys! congrats! you were on for like 3secs!

  5. nice work guys, I'm proud of you even though you couldn't answer one. At least you attempted a few times :)
