Sunday, April 19, 2009

Opening Ceremony

Picture yourself in the Stockholm town hall. (You must go through this mental excercise because unfortunately I do not have any real images for you.)
You probably haven't seen it before, but you very well might have. That is because it is the same town hall that is used for the Nobel prize awards. (Not exactly the same room, but that's for the awards ceremony...)
So, it's a pretty amazing place. They have a great symphony going, and all. And, this is the place chosen for the opening ceremony.
I don't remember all the teams announced in order, but let me recall the start of the list of American teams being announced, walking down the stairway with pictures being taken...
California Institute of Technology
Carnegie Mellon University
Cornell University
Duke University
Iowa State University
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Northwestern College

Need I say any more? It was quite the experience.


  1. Nice job Ben! Way to represent :) :) Too bad I can't get extra credit :P

  2. Good gosh! This is the actual place:

    I might recommend linking to the photo gallery here:

  3. Pretty impressive! Let Mark know that his nephew in Houston is following the competition and hoping for great things from the Northwestern team. Are you going to be posting the actual problems from the contest on this blog?

  4. Jen, good to hear from you. We'll have to catch up sometime. Hopefully at graduation.

  5. Caleb, good find. These are quite cool.
    Actually, the picture you found was from a different place. That was one of the hotels we went to for registration. I was confusing because I titled both of these "Opening Ceremony." Technically that was just Sunday.
    If you look at the Opening Ceremony pictures, those are of the event. While you are at it, take a look at the 6th picture on page 9.
