Saturday, April 18, 2009

Opening Ceremony

We just returned from the opening ceremony. It was quite enjoyable. The first event was registration. They approved our binders (thanks Mike for putting those together), then we completed a checklist of paperwork (such as turning in photocopies of passports and student id's.
Following registration was a buffet-style meal. It was very nice. Many food items which I probably couldn't appreciate as fully as I did. (Not that it was bad, but I'm not food expert.) My favorites were avacado/artichoke/tomato spread on a cracker and pasta with alfredo-type sauce and something seafood for meat. The primary dessert was coffee-flavored, and even that was good. Not that the coffee part was good, but that it was good enough to make up for that.
During the latter part of the mealtime, there was a karaoke time, for people to sing various songs in front of everyone, with a slide show of pictures from the night in the background. (Mike even got his picture up there!) Songs were sung in Russian, Spanish, and English. Probably my favorite was a beautiful rendition of Beauty and the Beast.
Overall it has been another great day. I even have been able to meet some people from all over -- Lincoln NE (UNL), Kazakstan (with Purdue University), Bangalore (North South University).
From a reputable source, the contestant officials want to make the ending a suspense. They don't post results with an hour to go, so there will be some suspense. Apparently, they sometimes go to the extent of not notifying you of passing a question (though they still notify of failures).


  1. Coffee in all things is disgusting, Ben! I don't know how you are still alive after eating that.
    And I used to be a student, so can I still get extra credit?

  2. Sounds like things are all going as expected. Hope you are all able to get the rest that you need. I can feel the excitement/tension already! From the schedule, it looks like you will have your opening ceremonies tonight--maybe it will have all the pomp and circumstance of the changing of the guard!
    Enjoy more coffee desserts for me!

  3. Wow! quite impressive! looking forward to watching some stuff on it.

    Tell everyone Hi...

  4. This sounds awesome. Good luck, guys!

    Sas, sorry my tutoring was such that you still need extra credit.

    Mark, can my extra credit retroactively go toward senior project? Thanks--and you really need to be in some of the pictures.

  5. Extra credit -- sorry, no retroactive extra credit is being given.
    Thanks for trying!

  6. Thanks, Mom. It has been a great time.
